Sponsorship Opportunities


Sponsorship is now open for the 2024 Saskatchewan Geological Open House

Service sector companies supporting Saskatchewan’s mineral industry are being invited to help defray the costs associated with the Saskatchewan Geological Open House.

Sponsors help support special events such as the IceBreaker, the technical sessions, the Speaker’s Breakfast, and various refreshment breaks.

As the Ministry of Energy and Resources has various regulatory functions related to the mineral industry, to avoid any perception of conflict of interest, sponsorships from all mining and mineral exploration companies are graciously declined.


TITLE ($5000.00) - fully subscribed -

• Host of the IceBreaker and company logo prominently displayed during the reception
• Marquee company logo on all digital displays/table cards throughout the conference
• Company logo on the Open House program
• Company logo on the Open House website

PREMIER ($2500.00) - fully subscribed -

• Host of a technical session
• Podium acknowledgement with company logo prominently displayed at the front of
  technical session
• Marquee company logo on all digital displays/table cards throughout the conference
• Company logo on the Open House program
• Company logo on the Open House website

MAJOR ($1750.00) - fully subscribed -

• Co-host a refreshment break with company logo prominently displayed
• Podium acknowledgement during technical sessions
• Company logo on all digital displays/table cards throughout the conference
• Company logo on the Open House program
• Company logo on the Open House website

CONFERENCE ($750.00) - available -

• Company logo on all digital displays/table cards throughout the conference
• Company name on the Open House program
• Company logo on the Open House website


Proposals for other forms of sponsorship will always be considered. We are always looking for other ways to highlight our sponsors!

To discuss your sponsorship opportunities please contact Aaron Coons at (306) 787-7284, OpenHouseER@gov.sk.ca.

Delegate, Group, and Exhibitor Registration for the 2024 Open House is now open!  


Sponsorship Opportunities are now available!


We'll see you in December!