Call for Abstracts

We are now accepting abstracts for technical session talks.

Download Technical Session Abstract Submission Form here

The conference will be held at the Delta Bessborough Hotel in Saskatoon from Monday, December 2nd to Wednesday, December 4th, 2024.  The Open House is Saskatchewan’s premier annual geoscience conference and meeting venue for mining and mineral exploration companies active in Saskatchewan.  

Guidelines for Submission

  • Technical session presentations should be:

    • Geoscience-based;

    • Non-promotional in nature; and

    • Focused on:

      • advances in our understanding of Saskatchewan geology;

      • exploration and development projects in Saskatchewan; or

      • innovations in exploration techniques applicable to Saskatchewan mineral deposits.

  • Maximum 500 words (excluding title and authorship)

  • Do not use figures, tables or photos in the abstract

How to Submit
There is no fee for submitting an abstract and authors may submit abstracts on more than one topic.  Successful abstracts will be selected by the Technical Session Organizing Committee and allotted to relevant sessions based on topic.
Please send this completed form to
Submission deadline is September 30th, 2024